The Stacks
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Proof of Life…
So, yeah, it’s been another hot minute since we’ve added something the stacks here at the Butterflies & Aliens Library but life is like that sometimes. And while we’re still in the thick of things, we thought we’d better pop our heads up and at least say hi…

Bread and representation
Back on October 15, we had a book launch up at the local indie bookstore where our Head Alien hangs one of his many hats on the regular. He arrived to have a fellow bookseller exclaim “Hey! Did you know you’re in the book?”
No, no he did not…

No avatar, just an original
So just wanted to share a quick post about a new acquisition up here at the Butterflies & Aliens Library North, and a bit of an associated mystery, a real literary eccentricity and rarity. The book is Avatar Inc: A Sci-Fi Anthology edited by Ann VanderMeer and published March 13, 2020, by the XPRIZE Foundation.
Yeah, that XPRIZE Foundation…
Now with an update!

A Faustian bargain… but the good kind
Reading The Picture of Dorian Gray in my teen years was a gateway drug to reading other classics and it made sense that Faust by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe quickly appeared on my radar. I mean, a book about selling your soul to the devil in return for unlimited knowledge and worldly pleasures – how can you resist?…

Who is this ISBN guy?
So, no, this isn’t a post about International Standard Book Numbers, and, no, this isn’t even really directly about the book we are featuring.
But since the back cover of this book provides one of two featured quotes in my Book Cover Project, and the front cover features on my “book wall” pictured at the start of the project, it seemed to make sense to give the book its due as a case study for that same project…

Star Wars: A New Approach
In 2015, no doubt propelled by the-marketing-machine-that-is-Disney acquiring Lucasfilm three years prior, three “original retellings” of the original three Star Wars movies arrived in bookstores and libraries in hardcover format, followed by paperback editions in 2019…

Oh Yes!
As we continue to explore book covers as part of our Head Alien’s Book Cover Project, we wanted to pull an example from our visual storytelling collection. And Oh No! (Or How My Science Project Destroyed the World), written by Mac Barnett and illustrated by Dan Santat, published in 2010 by Disney Hyperion Books, is a great example…

Everything is #@%!ed or Everything is f*cked?
So does this post need a content warning?

Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret
First published in 1970, Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret by Judy Blume quickly became a bestselling novel. Forty-four years after its first publication, Atheneum Books released a new edition of the book with a truly brilliant jacket design by Lauren Rille and illustrations by Debbie Ridpath Ohi…

Introducing The Book Cover Project
You may have noticed mention of The Book Cover Project in several recent posts. If you haven’t seen it yet, I’ll include a link below. But first I thought I’d share the associated introductory video presentation here on its own…

Book Mail: Life Beyond Us
Just wanted to do a quick share of one of the Butterflies & Aliens Library’s latest acquisitions, Life Beyond Us, edited by Julie Nováková, Lucas K. Law, and Susan Forest, and published by Laksa Media Group in partnership with the European Astrobiology Institute…

The Monk and Robot books by Becky Chambers
Thought we needed to break up all the book news with something more “traditionally” Butterflies & Aliens, so wanted to quickly share a favourite new read… the Monk and Robot series by Becky Chambers…