The Stacks
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Happy Fourth Birthday!
And here we are, January 1, 2025, and celebrating the fourth birthday of the Butterflies & Aliens Library of Literary Eccentricities & Rarities!
So… crazy year has followed crazy year — even less posting in 2024 than in 2023! — but we are still here, and what began as our little digital refuge back in 2021 will continue to be just that, a place we can escape to once in a while to be unabashedly nerdy and bookish, and we hope you can too…

Book of the Week: What We Talk About When We Talk About Books
This week’s Book of the Week is a double recommendation, first discovered by our Butterfly-in-Chief who then recommended it to our Head Alien, who has been recommending it widely, and now to you, dear patron…

Meet Mika Burns!
Welcome to our latest BALLER Profile! Every Wednesday you can look forward to reading interviews with authors, publishing professionals, library people, readers, and more. This week it is my pleasure to introduce you to Mika Burns!

Meet Jennifer Windsor!
Welcome to our latest BALLER Profile! This week it is my pleasure to introduce you to my friend, designer and writer and all around wonderful human, Jennifer Windsor…

When Words Collide… 2023 and beyond
For those of who may not be familiar with it, When Words Collide is an annual festival for readers and writers and bookish folks of all kinds.
And for us here at the Butterflies & Aliens Library, it has long been the never-to-be-missed event of the year…

A state of perpetual wander…
Sharing a post from one of our sibling websites that is more book adjacent than anything, but we thought it might be of interest to our patrons here too. Click to wander over to the Black Riders website…

Finally, time for some summer reading…
Yeah, it’s been a hot minute, but between work and school and life we here at the Butterflies & Aliens Library may have gotten a bit sidetracked from our (ir)regularly scheduled additions to our digital stacks.
But we have not forgotten you, beloved patrons!
![The Art of the [_____]: A Life in [_____]](
The Art of the [_____]: A Life in [_____]
I just finished reading a great book, but I don’t want to tell you what it is.
Or rather, I don’t want to share the full title or the name of the author of it, just yet. I think the full title distracts from what the book is really about, which is the part of the title I am sharing as the title of this post: The Art of the [_____]: A Life in [_____].

Immersed in book culture…
The present moment has brought an interesting alignment between my personal, professional, and student lives… everything focussed on book culture, print culture, reading culture…

Alphabetizing your ABCs
So the bookish weirdness that we embrace here at the Butterflies & Aliens Library means that, among other things, Recreational Shelf Organizing borders on a competitive sport. It definitely ranks as a beloved pastime. The who, what, and wherefores of how we sort, store, and display our bookish collections provides much fuel for discussion and debate, as well as hours of entertainment.

Canadian Independent Bookstore Day 2021
We interrupt our regularly scheduled Small Press Saturday series this weekend to gush about Canadian Independent Bookstore Day! Initiated by the Canadian Independent Booksellers Association, Canadian Independent Bookstore Day is an annual celebration to promote independent bookstores.

Bibliotherapy: The Power of Story
The past couple of weeks have been challenging. Not because work has been particularly hard or because anything bad has happened. Just because I sank into a bit of depression…
So, what helped me recently was completely escaping reality with a book series…