Some literary collective nouns

Some Literary Collective Nouns, a cartoon by Tom Gauld[ image description: Under the heading “Some Literary Collective Nouns” a single panel cartoon depicting eight groups of stylized stick figures, some holding books, with the following labels: A C…

Some Literary Collective Nouns, a cartoon by Tom Gauld

[ image description: Under the heading “Some Literary Collective Nouns” a single panel cartoon depicting eight groups of stylized stick figures, some holding books, with the following labels: A Chapter of Novelists, A Draft of Editors, A Recommendation of Booksellers, A Stanza of Poets, A Borrowing of Librarians, A Blurb of Publicists, An Autopsy of Critics, A Gruop (sic) of Proofreaders ]

We here at the Butterflies & Aliens Library are delighted to be ‘installing’ something every library needs… a bulletin board! (and yes, we’re installing it right next to our card catalogue… because #OldSchool…)

We envision it as somewhere for us to ‘pin up’ announcements and event notices and posters and other interesting items, including… because we are located on the interwebs after all… memes!

This cartoon by Tom Gauld, author of The Snooty Bookshop, is what got us to finally put up our board. And because we are all about supporting artists and giving credit where credit is due, please click and follow him on Twitter and Instagram too.

To this we would also like to add a suggestion from Sam Hiyate of The Rights Factory: A (Major) Deal of Literary Agents.

Happy Bulletin Board Browsing!

– Stacey and Winston


Small Press Saturday: Fairwood Press


Africanfuturism goes to Space…