The Butterflies and Aliens Library of Literary Eccentricities and Rarities

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Magnificent Scholar Witches

PLO 1: Library & Information Studies Organizations, Society, and Values.
Students will appreciate the functions of librarians and information specialists within the larger global societal framework, and the factors influencing the creation, dissemination, and use of knowledge and information and the responsibility to serve all client groups.

For this first program learning objective, I went back to my first course – LIS 501 Introduction to Library & Information Studies – to share my first group project, a zine titled Magnificent Scholar Witches: From Celeste West to Jessamyn West. Building on earlier class assignments where we profiled significant figures from the history of librarianship, this project captured our sense of the vitality, activism, and importance of our chosen profession.

Designed as an accordion book, Magnificent Scholar Witches takes its name from a quote from Celeste West’s book Radical Librarians (Bootlegger Press, 1973).

The border of the fully unfolded book is a kind of lineage of librarians, from Celeste West to Jessamyn West, to which we added our group members’ names.

In addition to the accompanying photos of the final twine-bound print edition, the pages of Magnificent Scholar Witches can be downloaded as a pdf.