Book of the Week: The Compendium of Srem by F. Paul Wilson

It’s Monday and time for a new Butterflies & Aliens Library Book of the Week!

I read a heck of a lot for my job as a literary agent, often reading up to three full manuscripts in a week and often reading a manuscript multiple times throughout the editorial process. Last year I went through a recreational reading slump due to how much I read for work. But I still love buying books and when I was in Houston in October of 2023, I stopped by a lovely independent bookstore called Murder By The Book.

They are a specialty bookstore that focuses on mystery and crime books.

And this weird little book caught my eye, so I bought it.

The Compendium of Srem is by F. Paul Wilson. It is a tiny book, an 81 page novella, and is an instalment in the Bibliomysteries series published by The Mysterious Bookshop. I had not read anything by this author before.

Set during the Spanish Inquisition, a mysterious and seemingly indestructible book is presented to Prior Tomás de Torquemada. It is determined that the book is a pre-biblical history and surely the work of the Devil. Though very short, this story packs a punch, as it explores the definition of evil, the power of knowledge, and the impact of fear as dictated by the Church.

It was exactly what I needed to break through my recreational reading slump – short, smart, and spellbinding. It is a weird little book and I wish the book was longer so that we could learn more about the characters at the heart of the story.

I have since found out that this magical and evil book plays a role in F. Paul Wilson’s Repairman Jack series so I may end up checking out the first book in that series. But even if I don’t, this little book is a solid read and it left me satisfied.

Happy Reading!

– Stacey


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