Small Press Saturday: Who’s on your list?


Happy Saturday!!

We initiated Small Press Saturday because we wanted to showcase small presses and give them a bit of a signal boost. Since the beginning of 2021, the Butterflies & Aliens Library of Literary Eccentricities and Rarities has showcased 19 small presses!!

We hope that some of you have learned of new presses to check out and have hopefully found some fresh new-to-you books and authors.

While our Butterfly-in-Chief has ideas to showcase more, we would love it if you could share some small press love with us! Who are your fave small presses that you think everyone should check out? (We prefer Canadian presses but are open to checking out American and UK small presses too!)

We can’t wait to dive into your recommendations and check them out <3

– Stacey & Winston



Alphabetizing your ABCs


Happy Towel Day!