Small Press Saturday: House of Anansi Press

The cover of Glorious Frazzled Beings by Angélique Lalonde and published by House of Anansi Press.

Happy Saturday!

After another stressful week in the world, between the federal election and the ever-worsening COVID-19 situation in Alberta, I’m planning on a weekend of news avoidance and indulging in nothing but books. And a great way to start this bookish weekend of mine is to introduce you to another small press!

While they are no longer super small, they are a lot smaller than Penguin Random House or Harper Collins – so say ‘hello!’ to House of Anansi Press! And this will be part one of two, as the scope of House Anansi deserves two blog posts and because I want to introduce to their children’s imprint next weekend.

House of Anansi was founded in 1967 by Dennis Lee and David Godfrey as a poetry press. They published Margaret Atwood’s first two books of poetry and have gone on to publish numerous Canadian icons.

The cover of The Lost Spells by Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris.

The cover of Seven Fallen Feathers: Racism, Death, and Hard Truths in a Northern City by Tanya Talaga.

The House of Anansi today is owned by Scott Griffin and under the leadership of President Semareh Al-Hillal and Publisher Bruce Walsh. And their publishing scope has certainly expanded over the years. They continue to publish poetry, but also publish a variety of fiction and nonfiction, a multitude of which have been award winners and nominees. Diversity is a key mandate and they love publishing less-mainstream writers. They only publish Canadian authors and also offer French Canadian authors in translation.

Covers for Help Me, Jacques Cousteau by Gil Adamson and White Resin, written by Audrée Wilhelmy and translated by Susan Ouriou.

In 2019, I had the pleasure of visiting the House of Anansi offices and was thrilled to discover that they have a public bookstore showcasing their titles. It is gorgeous! The layout is open, you can peek into the office space beyond, and the books are displayed on big sturdy tables and benches, and in shelves around the perimeter of the room, many books facing (bookseller speak for “full cover showing and not just the spine!). The books are grouped by category and thematically. They have fabulous natural light and ample houseplants which contribute to a warm and inviting atmosphere for browsing. I hope to have a chance to visit again in the future.


One thing that really sets House of Anansi apart is their stunning book design and eye-catching covers. Great attention is paid to the details and the quality of the end product is really top notch.

One upcoming release that has caught my eye is The Björkan Sagas by Harold R. Johnson. I’ve read his book Corvus, released by Thistledown Press, and look forward to reading this new one very much! Drawing on his Cree and Scandinavian roots, Harold R. Johnson merges myth, fantasy, and history in this epic saga of exploration and adventure. The gorgeous faux-birch looking endpapers are the icing on the cake.

So, I urge you to check out what House of Anansi has to offer. Their back list is extensive and their upcoming releases are intriguing – you can probably find the book that will be your next great read.

Happy Reading,

– Stacey


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