Edgar Allan Poe’s Birthday

Everyday décor in Stacey’s living room featuring 1986 paperback collection The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Stories.

Everyday décor in Stacey’s living room featuring 1986 paperback collection The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Stories.

Born on January 19th, 1809, Edgar Allan Poe was an American writer of poetry and fiction. He was also the first author to try to make a living off writing.

Edgar Allan Poe’s short fiction opened a door for me when I first read The Cask of Amontillado as a tween. I was shocked and horrified and intrigued and loved it! I didn’t know stories could be so disturbing and so delicious at the same time. And I was thrilled to read poetry that was so understandable. Reading Poe was pivotal for me as reader and as a creative.

Stacey’s feet in “Poe-ka Dot socks”

Stacey’s feet in “Poe-ka Dot socks”

Of course, the person of Edgar Allan Poe isn’t without problems. He was racist and it behooves us to remember that and to recognize outright and subtle racism in works of classic fiction. We need to see it and call it out if we want things to change for the better and to break down systemic racism in our modern society. This article is one good place to start learning more: “At 7th And Spring Garden, Confronting The Racism Of Poe.

– Stacey


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Small Press Saturday: Arsenal Pulp Press